Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Email Marketing – A Good way to increase your site popularity

Just today in my hotmail inbox, I received 8 new emails that were from somebody I never communicated with. Couple of those messages interested me and I opened and read them. However for all the rest, I selected and hit “Delete” right from the inbox without even opening. For the ones I read, I remember signing for their Opt-in list once in the past. If you are sending such emails, do you know whether people read your emails or delete them without reading?

If you are planning to make your site popular, email marketing can definitely make a big difference and traffic to you site can sky-rocket in a very short period of time. However, you have to adapt the right way of email marketing.

Depending upon the way you do your email marketing, you can either make or break your business. This I think is very true. If you just scam people who are not interested in your service or products and your site, you just will earn bad credits for your business. You might even get black listed by ISPs or get into legal issues. The better alternative, in fact the fruitful way of running your email campaigns is by adapting a method called “Double Opt-In” (signing up people for one of your programs and sending them email with their sign-up confirmation and welcome message as part of the sign-up process). This way, you will only be collecting list of people who are really interested in your type of business and upon only targeting to them, you can have better conversion. If you have a good and clear privacy policy and an easy way for people to unsubscribe, your email program will rock! Always remember, a good quality service is the key ingredient for running a good business.

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